Saturday 30 August 2008

Matthews, Crow kick off Democratic convention


Singing at the Democratic rule, Sheryl Crow dedicated her song "Strong Enough" to Barack Obama and then added a twist to the lyrics for the occasion.

"Are you strong sufficiency to be my gentleman's gentleman, or my president?" Crow sang to her party's nominee and his freshly announced running mate.

Dave Matthews and Sugarland's Jennifer Nettles also american ginseng at the kickoff concert Sunday dark at Red Rocks Amphitheater outside Denver. The national convention was to start in sincere Monday at the Pepsi Center next Obama's weekend announcement of Delaware Sen. Joseph Biden as his vice presidential running mate.

"What I'm hearing from Sen. Obama is a peck like what we heard from Robert Kennedy," Crow told the crowd between tunes. "No matter what campaign ad we view or how it's spun, hope is important. It's what this country was based on."

She told The Associated Press beforehand that she hadn't been swayed from speaking out for Obama by the candidate's "celebrity."

"That tag that Sen. Obama's been given is a run ploy, patently, by the Republican company," said Crow. "I don't see him hanging out. I have yet to see him at any celebrity events."

Matthews, playing with Tim Reynolds, was less pointed with his comment, while Nettles played up the night's theme of environmentalism. Denver's mayor has worked with hotels, restaurants and organizers to create the convention a viridity event.

"This is the first time that a political convention of any sort has been surrounded with the cognizance of environmental issues," Nettles told The AP before playing. "So that feels like it's on the cutting edge."

Her bandmate Kristian Bush added: "Yeah, and regardless of what political affiliation you want to align yourself with, this is an issue. It's real, no matter which side you decide to attack it from."

Aside from the Dixie Chicks, it's rare for a country group to play a high-profile Democratic Party-sponsored event. So ar Nettles and Bush Democrats?

"We don't order. We stay away," replied Nettles, laughing. "It's like honey, what do you want to be, a pariah? What do you want to be, crucified? It's a good thing in this country. We don't hold to state anybody. It's no one's business world Health Organization we vote for."

Among those who showed up at the event organized by well-connected environmental activist Laurie David: Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine and Robert Kennedy Jr.

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